To access the Webtool, log-in to: or and enter the Retailer’s Username (mobile number) and Password. Always put a 63 instead of 0 as the pre-fix of your mobile number. [click image to enlarge]
1. Your Retailer Number is displayed along with your real-time Wallet Balance.
2. Transaction Status
Status of your Sale transaction is displayed above the Retailer’s Webtool
3. How to change password using webtool
1. Click the change password button
2. Provide the required information
*Username (remember to start with 63 instead of 0)
SMS or First Level(FL) Password
Old Password, New Password
(minimum of 6 characters)
4. How a Retailer Makes a Sale:
1.Select a Product Category where the product to sell belongs to (i.e ELOAD PRODUCTS).
2. Click the drop-down arrow to view all available products and choose the product to sell.
3. Enter buyer’s number on the “Buyer’s No.” field.
You may input a maximum of 10 on the “Quantity” field if selling on e-PIN product, then click “Sell Product”.
Note that it is REQUIRED to input amount on the “Option” field if selling GLOBE/TM Amax Other products
(i.e type 40 for PHP40)
5.How to resend:
1.Just place the mobile number of the buyer in the sapce provided.
2. Click resend
3. System will resend the e-PIN.
6. How the Retailer Generate a Sales Report:
1. Click the Start Date. Select the date you want your sales report to start.
2. Click the End Date. Select the date you want your sales report to end.
3. Click Generate Sales Transaction report.
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